Verily, we venture into a vast volume of the verifiably valued graphic novel version of V for Vendetta by Alan Moore in the very early 80's. Vacate your vainglorious valor as we vanquish the veneer of vacillation with verbose veracity...also Kyle does a really good job of summarizing this storyline, you just have to get past the moment he says "Earballs."

TRIGGER WARNING: V for Vendetta addresses all sorts of terrible things associated with a fascist state including, but not limited to: sexual assault, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, and more. Please be mindful of this if you wish to join us for our Flavor Text today.

Special thanks to Patreon member NathanLV for being vital to the commissioning of this episode by being a proud member of #buttthwompnation! If you want to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT, check out our Patreon page at

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at!