This week has been especially tough on the country, but also eye-opening for some of us who haven't had to deal with the effects of systemic racism.

We've compiled a brief list of some helpful resources with which we can support and educate ourselves.


He's big, he's blue, he's probably diabetic and sometimes he's vaguely Creole...that's right, today's episode is all about the Royal Rumbler himself, King Dedede! We ask what would happen if we ram-jammed Dedede into some of the wackiest standalone comic runs to hit the bookshelves, and the answer is it feels...somehow right? Kyle has Dedede fighting alongside Thor in the Marvel Zombies continuity, Todd places Dedede in the center of the Spectacular Spider-Ham universe, and Matt says some things about Joker teaming up with The Mask (yes, THAT "The Mask") that make little sense.

Suggested Reading

Imgur album of the Earth-8311 character art we discussed on the episode Shout out to @craigrousseau for the sweet fanart reimagining these animal puns

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