We celebrate 12 years of TERROR...ble movie reviews on this episode. Founded July 9th 2009, we here at Death By DVD sit painfully through hours and hours of movies  so you, the public, can make an informed decision of what you put in  your ear holes and eye holes. Some of these films are good, some bad,  and some even unmentionable; but ALL have one thing in common :  Watching all of these movies will one day melt our brains into a sloppy  wet mush. No need to thank us, we were already methodically destroying  ourselves with cinema. At least this way there is a permanent record of  our demise.  As the midnight hour approaches, the smoke sets heavy, and the booze  begins to flow like blood; tune in and drop through hell with your hosts  Hank The Worlds Greatest and I. Alexander Nash, as we take you on a  journey through the worlds of horror, gore, cult, strange, slashers, psychotronic, trash, twisted, gornography, weird, drive-in, cheesy,  lost, rare, and frightening films. Join us and listen as two lives collapse on themselves.


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