*** No information offered by Cait or myself should be a substitute or replacement for licensed medical or mental health care in any way. In addition, the information and techniques offered or suggested on this podcast do not constitute medical advice. Please seek medical advice from a qualified doctor in the case of serious illness***  

If you are in crisis and need immediate support please dial 988 to be connected with the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  

Cait’s personal experience with the death by suicide of her best friend, followed two months later by her grandfather’s death, is exactly what propelled her curiosity and focus into the unique and vast space of grief, death, and dying.  Through that journey, years after, Cait began volunteering with her local hospice and served in her community. During that time she chose to take an end-of-life doula course and continue expanding her theory. 

A passion for serving folks in the death space developed, deeply. By 2020, the pandemic forced the closure of her in-person business and her full attention turned to supporting folks in the virtual space, knowing that’s where many people go to access support + education.  Cait’s journey has led her into different avenues of death work from sitting at the bedside of those actively dying, to cleaning out homes after a death, to haircuts for those on hospice, to educating hospice teams on what death doulas are, to guiding folks on advance directive creation, to building a digital presence for death workers; truly, the space is vast. 

Currently, Cait offers digital resources that you can purchase and download on her resource site: deathbysuicideawarecare.com and free education via Instagram and Tik Tok. Join the list on the above website to be notified when the membership launches late summer 2022; the membership will equip folks of all ages with suicide awareness and prevention through a simple process so that they can support people in their circles of care.  

Cait is proficient and a member with the National End-of-Life Doula Alliance, proficient with the National Home Funeral Alliance, and is passionate about participating in continuing education on a vast array of topics, as death is a vast space.  

To learn more please visit https://www.deathbysuicideawarecare.com/