While “socialism” has often been the catchphrase used to instantly dismiss any talk of building social safety nets, people in a society do need some fundamental assurances of safety in order to function - and function well. 

Particularly if you’re a woman, love a woman, or are a person of childbearing age, one specific angle of social safety nets is going to be considered before the Supreme Court.  That is to say, access to decisions about women’s reproductive rights: abortion.

Take a listen to learn about the upcoming court cases that may reduce both the role of the government in general and delegate decision-making about important topics like pregnancy to various states instead.  Think about who might be in charge of making decisions for you, if that happens…

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What to listen for:

What happened to the makeup of the Supreme Court during the Trump presidency, and why that’s important right now The nondelegation doctrine and its impact on the role of Congress in providing social safety nets, as well as the current thinking around it Two specific challenges to Roe v. Wade from Alabama and Mississippi that may be heard - and considered - by the Court soon What the impact of these reproductive rights cases - or, more broadly, social safety net cases - may have on everyone 

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