This week on Dear Subjects, at MeCHo, Alex and I asked YOU, the citizens of Home, what you want your new government to look like. As we get closer to the elections, the ministers have left us a letter explaining how the elections will work. The letter reads:
“In the past, we have been run by a Parliamentary Government, where each Member of Parliament was elected based on campaign slogans and won only by getting more votes than their opponent.
“In Norward’s government, the upper house is not elected at all and are simply chosen by King George. We feel that this form of Government has failed in representing each citizen in Norward.
“After a long discussion, we have decided that this first election will be conducted in an instant run-off voting style where each person will select their first-choice candidate for leadership, then select their second choice, then their third, and so on.
“If your first choice gets the least votes, your vote will go to your second choice, and so on until someone has more than 50% of the votes.
“By doing this, we hope we hope that we, as citizens, can find a way to govern ourselves in a manner that will allow us to take responsibility and create a community together.
“We long for a government that’s sole purpose is to work for the people and to be in service of the people. We hope to see a government that aspires to bring out the best in each individual, and that plays to the strengths of the community. We invite anyone with a passion to lead this country to step up and participate in the elections, January 13, 2020.”
Signed by the ministers.
We hope that all the citizens of Home will take advantage of this opportunity to vote for the candidate that has the best ideas for what the government of this nation should look like.
Updates to this story can be found on Reddit (
Until next time,
Good luck on your own.
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This broadcast is a co-production of Knightworthy Media House and the in-fiction Media Corporation at Home. It’s recorded at the Madison Liberty Institute in Rexburg, Idaho. Our production team is Raven Campos and Alex Williamns. The theme is by Joseph Cordara. A special thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s broadcast.
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This week on Dear Subjects, at MeCHo, Alex and I asked YOU, the citizens of Home, what you want your new government to look like. As we get closer to the elections, the ministers have left us a letter explaining how the elections will work. The letter reads:

“In the past, we have been run by a Parliamentary Government, where each Member of Parliament was elected based on campaign slogans and won only by getting more votes than their opponent.

“In Norward’s government, the upper house is not elected at all and are simply chosen by King George. We feel that this form of Government has failed in representing each citizen in Norward.

“After a long discussion, we have decided that this first election will be conducted in an instant run-off voting style where each person will select their first-choice candidate for leadership, then select their second choice, then their third, and so on.

“If your first choice gets the least votes, your vote will go to your second choice, and so on until someone has more than 50% of the votes.

“By doing this, we hope we hope that we, as citizens, can find a way to govern ourselves in a manner that will allow us to take responsibility and create a community together.

“We long for a government that’s sole purpose is to work for the people and to be in service of the people. We hope to see a government that aspires to bring out the best in each individual, and that plays to the strengths of the community. We invite anyone with a passion to lead this country to step up and participate in the elections, January 13, 2020.”

Signed by the ministers.

We hope that all the citizens of Home will take advantage of this opportunity to vote for the candidate that has the best ideas for what the government of this nation should look like.

Updates to this story can be found on Reddit.

Until next time,

Good luck on your own.

Join in the conversation on Reddit and Twitter! You can also support the show via Patreon.

This broadcast is a co-production of Knightworthy Media House and the in-fiction Media Corporation at Home. It’s recorded at the Madison Liberty Institute in Rexburg, Idaho. Our production team is Raven Campos and Alex Williamns. The theme is by Joseph Cordara. A special thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s broadcast.

Participate and Support:
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