Discussing puberty and sex is a nerve racking conversation for every parent but having those conversations as a single mom presents its own unique challenges. Join us as we remind you that talking openly with your son about sexuality and the body takes shame out of the picture. It is great to pull a dad or male figure into the conversation if one is available, but don’t be afraid to engage your son just because you are a mom.


Check out these similar resources: 

When should I start talking to my kids about sex?: https://www.christianparenting.org/articles/when-should-i-start-talking-to-my-kids-about-sex/ How do I talk to my child about sex? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfNaE1jLpKU&list=PLdPzQ_cUwCbRc-MQ40KL3a6ze06CiY38l&index=11&t=102s Good Pictures Bad Pictures: https://www.amazon.com/Good-Pictures-Bad-Porn-Proofing-Todays/dp/0997318732/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3L7B34EBRSHO5&keywords=Good+Pictures+Bad+pictures&qid=1674590594&sprefix=good+pictures+bad+pictur%2Caps%2C492&sr=8-1