In this episode, Lauren Currie speaks about confidence, the power of design, the need for diversity and inclusion and amplifying people’s voices.

🎤  The changes we face are BIG:

“There is a lot to process and make sense of. The way I think about it, these paradigm shifts are opportunities for progress.”

🎤  The depth of injustice and inequality is being REVEALED:

“The covid-19 crisis has revealed something we could not see before or if we could see it we weren’t paying attention…This global pandemic has pulled the curtain, and let us see the depth of injustice and inequality. And also the scale of the problems that we need to address: the scale of racism and bias,  the scale of incompetence we can see at leadership levels across the board from political parties to corporations to local businesses."

🎤 Reminding ourselves of the importance of supporting EACH OTHER:

“When you focus on the power that you do have, you come to the conversation from a place of abundance, optimism and hope. A place of knowing that collectively -when we have each other- we are bigger than any institution, any corporation or any policy."

🎤 Building a confidence REVOLUTION:

”Confidence is a muscle. It is something anyone can learn. It is not something you are born with. It’s not innate within you. You learn confidence the same way you learn to play basketball or you learn to breastfeed. These are really powerful muscles that I believe play a really important part in the conversation that we’re having."

🎤  The importance of SPEAKING UP:

“Call sexism and racism out when you hear it: often it’s these moments that may be passed off as ‘oh, he’s just joking’ or ’this is just his way', or ‘I know there’s an event and we’ve got no women of colour speakers but we couldn’t find any, we asked a few and they all said 'no'’. It’s in that moment where you need to choose: okay I am going to be uncomfortable. I am going say something that is probably make people uncomfortable too. But you’ve got to do that. In fact it’s a necessity."