Welcome to Dear Downloads Episode 06. Conor and Luke wing it this week and talk about all things gaming and what a week with the Playstation 5 has been like for Luke. Luke shares his joy with playing Demon Souls on the playstation 5. Luke and Conor talk about AAA game develeper studios and how they need to give us a game that is 10 hours long... you know just something short and sweet we can play and love and move forward with. We also talk a wee bit about our opinions on Star Wars and some controversies, some Star Trek Wars.

Dear Downloads is your PC and PLAYSTATION gaming and TECH podcast!  

------ show notes ------

How big is the ps5 on your entertainment center.

Ps5 + PS plus

Opened new games at GameStop

Gaming STATS: Celebrating PS launches USA

PS 9.09.1995 (25 yrs old) ~100m units

PS2 10.26.2000 (20 yrs old) ~155m units

PS3 11.17.2006 (14 yrs old) ~87m units???

PS4 11.15.2013 (7 years old) ~113m units

PS5 11.12.2020 (XX days old) ~11m by end of 2020

PS6 thursday 11.12.2026 (6 years) I call that!

PS5 shipping chartered 60 747

------ thank you ------  

If you have any questions or any thoughts for a new episode topic or game/tech related things we can talk about… you can write us on twitter @deardownloads, thank you all for listening and we will see you next week, buh bye…  

Originally published on 11/24/2020 

available for audio on all major podcast distributors