This week Conor and Luke put on their Nostalgia Glass and discuss all the previous consoles from the last and current generations and recall our favorite games and some of the features that those consoles had that changed the gaming experience. 

------ show notes ------

Cyberpunk delayed lol. 

Top 10 PS4 must play games (week before PS5 launch(PLaystation video access video).

Game Gear? Sega MINI console? LR- that game gear looks rad. 

Worst / best console design or console design over time. 

favorite feature that was in a console or favorite memories from a game / it’s features?

Xbox live. 

Halo and Halo 2 LAN parties. 

App support / Netflix. 

Party chat. 

Capture gallery built in to console. 


What's your first console you owned?

What consoles have you owned?

Favorite console?

Favorite games from each? Or at least ones that stand out...

------ thank you ------

If you have any questions or any thoughts for a new episode topic or game/tech related things we can talk about… you can write us on twitter @deardownloads, thank you all for listening and we will see you next week, buh bye…