The controversy, conversations, articles, and books surrounding sleep training are so wildly different, I have no idea how any parent today can comfortably reach a decision on it. Is my child really going to get brain damage from sleep training? Will I ever sleep again? 


Let’s face it, we all need sleep to be able to survive and to actually live joyful, calm, and peaceful lives. If you’ve landed here, you’re likely to be an exhausted parent desperate for ways to improve you and your child’s sleep. You haven’t “failed” at parenting, you just haven’t found what’s right for you or your child yet…


After working with families in the home since 2001, I've seen what’s worked well (and not so well) and want to share the tips and interventions that I know will get you and your family the hard-earned ZZZs you need.

For more insights and parenting tips, follow the Dear Doula Podcast on Instagram. I offer personalized consultations and can be reached for further questions on sleep at [email protected] or you can DM me on Instagram.