In today’s fast-paced world, “pause, rest, be” are three simple words that many of us (especially parents!) often overlook. Society doesn’t give us any accolades for taking time out to rest, but as people’s schedules get busier, our presence and connectedness as humans gets weaker.


Joining me today to normalize and demystify the practice of rest, is Octavia Raheem, an award-winning author, rest coach, and restorative yoga teacher. Octavia invites us into practices that enhance presence, groundedness, and a better sense of wellbeing– all of the things that we need and desire, yet are not reflected in our day-to-day living and calendar. We also explore how we can instill this practice into our children, without feeling like we’re limiting their opportunities. 




Connect with Octavia:


Visit her website

Follow her on Instagram

Connect with Octavia on LinkedIn


Learn more about Devoted to Rest™, a transformational rest focused experience for visionary women leaders making a high impact in their fields


Octavia’s books:



“Pause, Rest, Be”


You can follow Brandi and her work @deardouapodcast on IG, @brandi_jordan_official IG, and send questions, comments and platitudes to [email protected]. Have a question you want Brandi to answer? Shoot her an email or a DM and she might include it on her next podcast episode!


If you are looking for support with your children, you can reach out to us at The Cradle Company for more information on hiring a parenting or baby specialist.


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Time Stamps


1:42 - Octavia tells us about her bestselling book “Pause, Rest, Be” and what brought her to the space of telling people that they need to pause.


4:58 - Brandi asks Octavia how we can decondition ourselves from the narrative that we can only be successful if we are being productive.


10:50 - Rest isn't just simply sleeping, but it does start with good sleep hygiene. Recording restful, affirming, and restorative messages for you and your children can help to wind down.


13:59 - People are very overscheduled but embracing blank space can yield a lot of creativity.


16:36 - For people who didn’t have access to lots of activities growing up, it can lead to overcompensating and putting our kids in things to make up for what we didn't get. 


22:12 - Octavia and Brandi share their personal stories of times they have been overly productive to feel worthy and how they were able to catch this and build in rest and space.


27:46 - Brandi asks Octavia how she handles people who feel like they understand they need to rest but think that they don’t have time.

34:07 - Octavia invites us into a one minute pause to help us embody the practice of pausing so that we can start to find that drop of peace for ourselves in our everyday lives.