Episode 12 is a bonus episode and the episode topic is: self-care! I had a conversation with Jasmine Lessley all about self-care. Jasmine is a nationally qualified fitness competitor, lifestyle and fitness blogger, student and one of my best friends!


We chat through some of the biggest lessons she learned in the military, her fitness journey, and her tips for prioritizing self-care and making it less of a chore.  


You can follow her on Instagram at @jasmineraechelle to follow her journey!


“You can’t pour into others if you don’t have anything left in the tank. Self-care allows you to refuel.”


Resources mentioned in the episode:


Jasmine’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasmineraechelle/

Dr. Caroline Leaf's book Jasmine mentioned towards the end of the episode: https://amzn.to/31Oe6Zo