Dear Curious Listener, every day in the UK, 18 people take their own life. The full picture of how the pandemic has affected this statistic is yet unknown. Collectively, we all seemed to have experienced a negative impact on our mental health however, not sure how to bridge the conversation on those who suffered so greatly that they died by taking their own life. That abyss between depression and suicide is a dangerous gap that has taken too many lives already, it's time to investigate it. Look into that abyss.

While I prepared to walk 18 miles to raise money for the Joshua Nolan Foundation, I spoke to Laura Nolan, the founder of JNF, to understand more about the charity and her process in starting JNF after her son's suicide. Laura's vulnerability evoked necessary conversation around mental health and forced me to look in the mirror when it came to my own past, a journey documented in this episode... 

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Joshua Nolan Foundation Website
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