Trevi comes from a family of art producers! Tune in to hear more on how she found her own way into art production, what shaped her personal style and how to grab her attention.


Key Takeaways

[0:30] Heather introduces her guest for this very first episode of Dear Art Producers, Treviana DelMastro who has been a producer for 4 years at JWT in New York, and comes from a family of producers!

[1:04] Trevi walks us through the sinuous path she navigated to becoming a producer, from television casting, to fashion PR, to art production.

[6:11] Heather asks what Trevi thinks are the most important skills she developed on her way to becoming an art producer.

[9:02] Trevi touches on what the most powerful influences were in shaping her art producer style.

[10:26] A bit of professional praise for Trevi!

[11:40] What marketing stands out today for Trevi? And besides mailers, is Instagram a means of reaching her?

[16:35] Photographers seem to be leaning toward building a brand in order to be competitive. Keeping this in mind, is there any “added value” that factors into Trevi’s choices?

[18:18] A bit of professional praise for Heather!

[20:27] Heather asks what kinds of things come into consideration and what kinds of things Trevi does behind the scenes when getting jobs approved by a client.

[24:22] Does Trevi share the budget when she has it?

[26:23] Trevi answers the question as to what photographers or producers do wrong.

[30:35] Sometimes as a rep or artists, you don’t get the job you bid on but you get no feedback… Heather asks what some reasons would be for not giving out this information. Heather and Trevi discuss the ins and outs, and subtleties of bidding.

[37:03] Heather turns the tables and asks Trevi if there are any misconceptions or questions that and art buyer might have of a rep.

[39:27] Trevi asks Heather what changes she has seen in the art production business from her beginnings.

[42:42] Heather thanks Trevi for coming on the podcast, and for being the very first guest!


Thanks for listening.


In an industry where the rules are always changing, it’s helpful to hear from those on the front line. Heather Elder is the visionary behind NotesFromARep’, visit her website for industry updates, stunning photography and video and the artists behind the work.


Mentioned in this episode

JWT New York

Chopped — Food Network



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