Holy uploads, Batman! Two in one month?!?

Yes - we're getting back into the pace we hope to maintain for the foreseeable future (thank God), but whether or not this is good for our listeners is for you to decide. On this episode, Senseless (with permission from Verano) sidesteps the issue of why we were gone for so long (sorry, dear listeners, but I'm not ready to be that open with you yet...), and then we talk about a bunch of comic book related properties. No Way Home, the Batman, the Guardians of Justice, everything is on the table for this one... but if you want to know if we spoke meaningfully about a comic property that you're excited about... well, you'll just have to listen to the episode to find out!

Check us out on Instagram:

dpiy.pod.sa (Senseless)

mrver.ano (Mr. Verano)

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Send us an email - [email protected]



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