We have a terrific after show interview for you with the creators of Pretty, Santina Muha, Lindsey Kraft and Andrew Leeds. This is a truly uplifting and inspiring conversation. You’ll hear Santina talk about how she got her start in comedy and how her childhood accident forced her to hone her comedy skills. She discusses the importance of making light of a terrible situation, simple things people take for granted like sidewalks, and her passion of using comedy as a platform to discuss important issues. This was a great interview with some of our favorite creators. We know you’re gong to love it. Enjoy!

Santina's music video for A$$ LEVEL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fvcDkqWO2E

Get the video for the Pretty table read for as little as $5 by going to https://maximumfun.org/join
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