We have an incredibly insightful interview with Michele & Kieran Mulroney. If you haven’t listened to both episodes of their show The Sleeping Father, you must do so now. It’s truly outstanding! This interview is crucial for anyone who wants to know the real story of how so many careers in Hollywood go. It’s mandatory listening for aspiring writers and striking writers in a dry spell creatively. Michele & Kieran talk about getting their start in the business, adapting Dickens for dogs, and they discuss the ten year draught they had where they wrote a dozen spec screenplays that didn’t sell. You’re going to hear how they broke that losing streak in the best way possible: writing exactly what they wanted to write. It’s a must listen for anyone aspiring to work in Hollywood.

Get the video for The Sleeping Father table read for as little as $5 by going to https://maximumfun.org/join

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