Download: The Wall in the Mind – 3 – No Friends Like Old Friends Update: Soundcloud is currently broken (I’m substituting local links, apologies if this screws with your podcast feed). Shortly after her release from prison in 1989, Claire believes she can see Emil in videotaped footage of the fall of the wall. In 2014, […]

Download: The Wall in the Mind – 3 – No Friends Like Old Friends

Update: Soundcloud is currently broken (I’m substituting local links, apologies if this screws with your podcast feed).

Shortly after her release from prison in 1989, Claire believes she can see Emil in videotaped footage of the fall of the wall. In 2014, Stuart is suspicious of Claire’s new squatter friends. With the help of Nicole, Matthaus’s activist daughter Claire travels to the Stasi Museum, to see if she can discover a clue as to what happened to Emil. This is the first step leading her back to Mörderberg, and the ruins of the barracks of the dreaded Volkspolizei Bereitschaft.

The Wall in the Mind

The Wall in the Mind  is an original radio drama series, scheduled to broadcast on Newstalk 106-108fm, Saturdays at 7AM and 10PM GMT over the next three weeks.

The drama explores the consequences of the imprisonment of an Irish woman in East Germany before the fall of the Berlin wall. The series combines a variety of innovative storytelling and sound production techniques to create a thrilling drama linked to real historic events. Listeners travel back and forth in time, as Irish woman Claire O’Hanlon tries to make sense of her experiences as a teenager in communist East Berlin and to solve the mystery of her vanished first love, Emil.

You can subscribe to these bonus episodes, and download or stream the podcast of ‘The Wall in the Mind’ at the following places – iTunesRSSSoundcloud.

Credits – ImagesCast & CrewDead Medium Productions.