Download: Mic Drop Mic Drop is a new one off drama, starring Adam Tyrell, based on the play that debuted to critical acclaim at the ‘Scene + Heard’ Festival in Summer 2017. This one-man show tells the story of Irish web entrepreneur Perry Pardo. Perry is the living embodiment of the new Ireland. A working […]

Download: Mic Drop

Mic Drop is a new one off drama, starring Adam Tyrell, based on the play that debuted to critical acclaim at the ‘Scene + Heard’ Festival in Summer 2017. This one-man show tells the story of Irish web entrepreneur Perry Pardo. Perry is the living embodiment of the new Ireland. A working class boy made good, Perry moved to San Francisco to make his fortune, and now he’s back to teach a room full of eager listeners how to replicate his success. This satirical business seminar rapidly descends into a dark exploration of contemporary Ireland, as Perry’s hard partying catches up with him and he undergoes a breakdown – revealing his background and failings through fragments of story and song. In the process Perry reveals the anxieties and hypocrisies that can underlie the success stories of Irish entrepreneurship, and the dark side of wealth.


Perry Pardo – Adam Tyrell

Writer / Director – Gareth Stack

Sound Engineer – Brendan Rehill

Script Editor – James Van De Waal

Lyrics from ‘Monto’ by The Dubliners

Audience – Seamus Stackpoole, Frances Galligan, Shane Connelly, Nicole O’Connor, Kenny Stapleton, Dominik Turkowski.

Music – Ariel Beat, Myuu, Marc Remillard and Audio Jungle.

Sound Effects

S: Door Open Close Heavy Wooden Medium Creak Seal Theatre by LampEight | License: Creative Commons 0
S: Radio Static by GowlerMusic | License: Attribution
S: Washing mashine, centrifugue by ohrpilot | License: Creative Commons 0
S: Whirl by GirlwithRecorder | License: Creative Commons 0
S: Pushing through curtain or cloth 3 by JakLocke | License: Attribution
S: hearth fire / light by jarokoco | License: Attribution
S: Feu .wav by Slanesh | License: Attribution
S: Fire_Crackles(No Room).wav by Krisboruff | License: Attribution
S: Cave Fire by barrygusey | License: Creative Commons 0
S: calm orchestral band 02 140928_0418.wav by klankbeeld | License: Attribution
S: Wind at door howling 4.wav by Bosk1 | License: Attribution
S: tappingMic.wav by susychristiansen | License: Creative Commons 0
S: microphone_feedback4 by zerolagtime | License: Attribution
S: card on plate.mp3 by Joseph999 | License: Creative Commons 0
S: sim phone ring.wav by THE_bizniss | License: Attribution