Episode 28 brings you the delicious delights of pioneering TV chef and all-around extravagant character Fanny Cradock! This English Dead Lady invented her history and sculpted her future out of oysters, champagne, and tiaras.

Fanny could sell out the Albert Hall in London for a crowd who gathered to see her make cooking into entertainment. Her hold-no-bars approach, however, meant her life wasn’t all smooth sailing - her story includes bigamy, exploding yachts, and child abandonment.

Mary Scherpe, the founder of Berlin’s Feminist Food Club and the website Stil in Berlin  brings us the tale of fabulous Fanny.

Dead Ladies Show co-founders Florian Duijsens and Katy Derbyshire join podcast producer & presenter Susan Stone around the kitchen table — where else— to toast Dead Ladies past and future, and to talk about their own favorite holiday treats.

Find photos and video of Fanny Cradock’s most infamous moments on our  website

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The Dead Ladies Show is a series of entertaining and inspiring talks about women who achieved amazing things against all odds, presented live in Berlin and beyond. This podcast is based on that series. Because women's history is everyone's history. The Dead Ladies Show was founded by Florian Duijsens and Katy Derbyshire.

The podcast is created, produced, edited, and presented by Susan Stone.

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