Stepping out into the arena, the Heroes wait for their eyes to adjust to the sunlight. The thunderous roar of excitement from the crowd sent electric bolts of energy coursing through them. As the brightness cleared, the Heroes gaze up into the crowd, their eyes passing across the faces of thousands of excited onlookers. Audience members of all ages screamed in delight as they watched the combatants enter the arena, waiting for the bloodbath to begin.

The combatants were led into the center of the arena, where they quickly realized that the walled structure was in fact a large platform. They climbed up the stairs, and found themselves looking out over the remainder of the arena. Opposite the entrance they had used, they could see a number of small covered cages. The Heroes surmised that these likely contained the creatures they had spotted previously.


Big shoutout to Ty for such a great time! Please go check out his show using the links below:

TheTyThatBinds on Apple Podcasts

TheTyThatBinds on Spotify


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