Walking through the back entrance, the Heroes pretended to act surprised as they saw familiar individuals and creatures. Their previous escapade into the arena had already prepared them for what awaited them in this area, though they had never been able to get a clear picture of what trials would await them in the main arena. They continued forward, making their way back to the hallway leading out into the arena's battlefield. Rounding the corner, they were somewhat surprised to see about 50 other combatants.

The other combatants ranged from young to old, large to small. Some were big, bulky individuals wielding large axes and spears, while others were smaller, more frail-looking fighters with short swords and shields. Some shivered in fear, trying to hide their nervousness. Others glanced around eagerly, clearly waiting for the opportunity to leap into battle. The Heroes could surmise that some of the more nervous combatants were likely forced into the event at the behest of their lords, and would most likely do all they could to avoid actual combat.


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