Climbing out of the pit, the Heroes examine the cages and cells surrounding them. Various creatures lay slumbering inside the largest cages, with some rough individuals sat inside the small cells. The area appeared to be a holding space for imprisoned combatants, as well as beasts that would fight in the arena. The Heroes carefully crept forward, not wanting to disturb the beast's slumber. A few of the imprisoned individuals stirred, noticing the Heroes but saying nothing. The Jester motions them forward, signaling he planned to stay behind and investigate.

They make their way around the area until they find a small door, carefully opening it. It creaks open to reveal a narrow, winding hallway leading up into the arena. Making their way forward, the Heroes are careful not to make any noise and blow their cover. Reaching the top of the stairs, they cautiously open another door. Before them was a long, wide hallway. At the far end was a row of benches followed by large, steel bars. The entrance to the fighting pits.


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