"I read The Mundanity of Excellence by Daniel Chambliss. I came across this essay through a tweet from Michael Nielsen, who mentioned Freyja’s excellent “Becoming a magician” essay (which will be part of the Archive in the future – I blogged about it briefly). Jason Crawford replied to Michael, pointing to today’s essay. I have since read and reread it and cannot stop thinking about it."

Origineel gepost op archive.belgianboy.com/the-mundanity-of-excellence.

Today, I will read The Mundanity of Excellence by Daniel Chambliss. I came across this essay through a tweet from Michael Nielsen, who mentioned Freyja’s excellent “Becoming a magician” essay (which will be part of the Archive in the future – I blogged about it briefly). Jason Crawford replied to Michael, pointing to today’s essay. I have since read and reread it and cannot stop thinking about it.

You can find the original version on Fermats Library. I used Visakan Veerasamy’s “edited-for-readability” version from his blog, visakanv.com/archives/2014/01/07/the-mundanity-of-excellence-by-daniel-chambliss.


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