With Doc Manson still trapped in the lab, DC turns to Periscope for co-hosts, chatting with members of the NAIborhood about Summer Slam. What does WWE see when they look at Enzo and Cass? How could the brand split save a major WWE PPV? Can we officially call 2016 "The Phenomenal Year" in pro wrestling? All this and more on The Pontificast!

With Doc Manson still trapped in the lab, DC turns to Periscope for co-hosts, chatting with members of the NAIborhood about Summer Slam. What does WWE see when they look at Enzo and Cass? How could the brand split save a major WWE PPV? Can we officially call 2016 "The Phenomenal Year" in pro wrestling? All this and more on The Pontificast!

Special thanks to @MagnumNAI, @jsnaillon, @DSC_AshleyNAI and @RantWithAnt for keeping the conversation going!

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