DC and Doc talk about the aftermath of the Elimination Chamber PPV as we start gearing up for Wrestlemania to arrive. DC praises Doc; Doc praises Asuka; and Asuka yells at the Miz in Japanese! The boys also get the word out about updates to their web site (ddtwrestling.com), a new email address ([email protected]), and give the URL for their shirt shop (shop.ddtwrestling.com). All this, and your eight emails!

[email protected]

DC and Doc talk about the aftermath of the Elimination Chamber PPV as we start gearing up for Wrestlemania to arrive. To summarize this week in professional wrestling podcasting: DC praises Doc; Doc praises Asuka; and Asuka yells at the Miz in Japanese! The boys also get the word out about slight updates to their web site (ddtwrestling.com), a new email address ([email protected]), and give the URL for their shirt shop (shop.ddtwrestling.com). All this, and your eight emails!

[email protected]