While home, Dr. Wells receives a threatening call from an unidentified person before having to use super speed to move out of the way of his glass ceiling shattering around him. Wells informs Barry and the team that the caller was Hartley Rathaway, a former protégé. Hartley begins attacking his family's business with sonic blasts, and when Barry arrives to stop him Hartley reveals that he knows the secret Dr. Wells is hiding. Dr. Wells reveals that Hartley warned him that the particle accelerator could explode ahead of time, but Wells chose to risk it for the potential rewards. Cisco discovers that Hartley intentionally got caught so he steal information from S.T.A.R. Labs' computer that would allow him to identify the frequency of Barry's molecules so he can kill him. Barry triggers a trap set by Hartley, which starts shredding Barry's organs. Dr. Wells taps into a satellite and sends an alternative frequency to disable Hartley's weapons. Later, Joe has Eddie start an investigation into Dr. Wells. Hartley, imprisoned back in the particle accelerator, reveals to Cisco that he knows where Ronnie is and how to save him. In his secret room, Dr. Wells uses the tachyon technology to temporarily recharge his speed force energy.

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