Wells and Jesse return to Earth-1, where she reveals she has gained super speed from the second dark matter blast. Wells hopes everyone will dissuade her from using her powers. Elsewhere, foster child Frankie Kane develops metahuman magnetic powers that manifest as an alternate personality, Magenta, who attacks her abusive foster father. Julian confronts Frankie at the station and is nearly killed by Magenta. Barry learns from Magenta that she got her powers from Alchemy. She escapes and later goes to the Central City Hospital to kill her foster father by dropping an oil tanker on the building. Barry creates a vortex to hold the tanker in place, but is unable to confront Magenta simultaneously. Wells sends Jesse to help. She takes over the vortex while Barry talks Kane into gaining control over Magenta. Wally, grappling with disappointment over having no speed, realizes he is also having dreams from "Flashpoint". Wells tells Jesse that he will support her decision and presents her with her own speedster costume. Joe later shows Barry and Julian footage of Clariss being killed in his cell by an unseen force, manifesting only a flying ball of white light.