During the New York attack, Rip recovered the Spear of Destiny from the Waverider and used the time drive to escape. In the present, the team learns about the spear and arrives in Los Angeles, 1967, when they confront Darhk and Malcolm attempting to kidnap Rip, who has no memories of his previous adventures and is training with George Lucas. Both parties escape; and Rip is arrested by the police. The team abducts him from custody and takes him to the Waverider. Nate and Ray are revealed to have lost their specialties and powers since the aberration caused Lucas to quit filmmaking. While Nate, Amaya and Ray meet Lucas to dissuade him, the others learn that Lucas has a fragment of the spear. Darhk and Malcolm overpower Amaya's party and forces them to search for the fragment in a dumpster. The others arrive and a battle ensues, during which they recover the fragment and the Medallion; but Rip is abducted by Eobard, whose partners intend to torture him to find the other fragments. Lucas returns to filmmaking; and the team vows to rescue Rip. Meanwhile, Mick tells Stein about his hallucinations, which the latter eventually interprets are emotional, not neural.