Almost a year after our secret trial episode during Super Blog Team-Up #6, The DC Bloodlines Podcast begins in earnest during another blog/podcast crossover, #BestEventEver, devoted to the 1993 DC Comics annuals. In that vein, Diabolu Frank spends this episode discussing the history of comic book annuals and the direct sales market leading to The Chromium Age, including "Doomsday" "Knightfall" & "The Clone Saga," before circling in on the 1993 character generating spectacles at DC and Marvel Comics. Going forward, we'll look at each of the New Blood characters approximately but not always exactly according to their order of appearance, as well as the (sometimes barely) more established super-people they're paired with on either a weekly or biweekly basis (I'm keeping my options open.) Plus, we'll keep an eye on DC's 2016 revival mini-series as that comes out...