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Messy Church – Loving Others Isn’t Easy
March 8, 2020


What do you think of when you hear the word “discipline?” Most of us, I would guess, view that as a negative word. It carries the ideas of difficulty, confrontation, and punishment. And, there are times when those things ARE a part of what discipline means. But done correctly, discipline is about development, training, and correction. What appears negative is, in reality, a positive…a strategy to propel us toward health and holiness as we grow in Christ.

In our sermon series, Messy Church, we will be looking at Paul’s words in chapter 5 of I Corinthians. The young church definitely had some serious issues and was in need of discipline…and Paul delivers with some strong words.

This chapter is full of challenging, but important truths. As followers of Jesus, the Corinthian believers were to live a new kind of lifestyle, walking out their faith in counter-cultural ways, pursuing spiritual maturity and holiness. We have the same calling today! Paul’s words are incredibly relevant and important for us today, in our time and culture.