It’s important for all of us to get factual health guidelines. Not only do they help us prevent disease, they also ease our worries and fears. My go-to expert for everything related to vaccines is Dr. Alex Yudovich, a leading community pediatrician in the greater Houston area who serves medically underserved populations. For the past 16 months, Alex - an expert in preventive medicine through vaccination - has dedicated himself to busting medical myths and disseminating truthful and helpful information on COVID-19.

Alex joins me today to share essential details on COVID-19 vaccines and new guidelines for vaccinated people. He discusses how individuals can manage COVID-19 “re-entry anxiety” and explains how we can help children manage their fears over the vaccination. He explains the issue around the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine and highlights why it’s still important to get vaccinated despite the perceived risks around it. He also underscores how the evolution and progress of humanity lie in behavior change, explains how we can help other people understand the beneficial impact of the vaccination, and highlights how we can help hasten the pandemic’s end through getting vaccinated.

“There’s only one way to end the pandemic: we need to get antibodies against the virus. The safest way to do that is through the vaccines.” - Dr. Alex Yudovich

This week on Rock Star Principles:

The benefits of getting vaccinated against COVID-19 Whether it’s safe to gather indoors after getting vaccinated The COVID-19 “re-entry anxiety” and how to manage it The ‘masked Karen’ and why you no longer have to be afraid of COVID-19 after inoculation Motivational interviewing and how to talk to people who are having second thoughts about the vaccine Vaccination for kids and how to help children manage vaccine-related anxiety The Johnson & Johnson vaccine issue Considering the perceived risks of vaccination Vaccination as a life hack and why the science is amazing The COVID denier and why it’s important to talk to vaccine experts New COVID-19 guidelines for vaccinated people Alex’s advice to people who are hesitant of getting COVID-19 vaccines

Related Content:

Back to School Safely with Dr. Alex Yudovich and Dr. Kathleen Chen from Texas Children’s Hospital

Connect with Dr. Alex Yudovich:

Alex Yudovich on LinkedIn Alex Yudovich on Instagram Alex Yudovich on Facebook

101 Ways to Rock LinkedIn

If 2020 has shown us anything, it's that our virtual business is so important. And that means you need a kickass profile on LinkedIn. 101 Ways to Rock LinkedIn - the updated edition by Viveka von Rosen will teach you how to rock your personal brand, grow your network, and grow your business.

101 Ways to Rock LinkedIn, the updated edition by Viveka von Rosen is available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback. Grab your copy today.

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