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Joe Vitale is the prolific author of The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (Or Anything Else) From the Inside Out. One of his latest and most popular books, Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More, explores the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono practice and how it can lead us to a place without limits. Joe is an internationally sought-after speaker who travels the world to share his message on the law of attraction and has appeared in several films, including Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret.

Joe joins me today to discuss how we can revive and follow our passion after the pandemic. He describes how our beliefs and mindsets can hold us back from our desires or help us live the life we want. He shares his experience with homelessness and explains how reading in public libraries contributed to his success. He also reveals the three habits of rich people and shares how we can all be better contributors to alleviating homelessness.

We all have built-in limits, most of which we inherited. The more we can find them, question them, and replace them, we can get to a place where we have no limits.” - Joe Vitale

This week on Rock Star Principles:

The Attractor Factor and how it led Joe get invited to be part of The Secret film What Ho’oponopono is and creating a life with Zero Limits How Joe molds people beyond their self-limitations Why failure is “feedback” and Joe’s experience with homelessness How to recapture joy and reignite passion after the COVID-19 pandemic The importance of focusing on the place you want to be in Hiding in the Dallas Public Library and the myth of the overnight success The value of reading and how it led Joe to his success How I taught myself HTML, started the first NASA online store, and became an aerospace executive What makes The Secret special and what people can learn from its marketing

Connect with Joe Vitale:

Fire Email: [email protected] Book: The Attractor Factor Book: Zero Limits Joe Vitale on Instagram Joe Vitale on Facebook Joe Vitale on Twitter Joe Vitale on YouTube

More About Dayna Steele

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