Hey friends, how is everyone doing and feeling?  I have a beautiful episode with my friend and dream babe Amy Kuretsky to share - honestly, this one is wonderful and covers such a broad range of topics plus very many giggles! Here is what we talked about:  

- Amy`s story with chronic illness and how she got into herbalism, acupuncture, breathwork and the tarot 
- Feeling healthy both in our bodies and our businesses and how that is deeply related 
- How we can learn from plants 
- How we try to stay connected to nature in winter  
- Why we think its important to ask plants for permission 
- How we are trying to make our work accessible through sliding scales and online offerings and still want to honour our own time and energy at the same time 
- Why we love tarot as a tool to express what we can`t quiet say yet 

Amy Kuretsky is a wellness coach for mind, body, and business. As a creative entrepreneur herself, she doesn’t think that you have to choose between your health and your hustle. Her work is focused on helping female-identified and non-binary business owners heal what needs healing - whether that’s their anxiety and limiting beliefs one day or their business model the next.  When she’s not coaching creative business owners she’s running a busy Chinese medicine clinic in Minneapolis, leading wellness retreats around the country, and getting woo-wooAF. Here are some links you might want to check out:  Amy`s website: https://www.amykuretsky.com/ 

//If you enjoy listening and would like some support for your practice please consider joining my Patreon. In the Practice // Space community you’ll get access to recorded workshops, ritual guides, journaling prompts and movement & creative practices to explore in your own time. I also host monthly intention setting sessions and quiet co-creating sessions on Zoom around each new moon. Join here: https://www.yarrowmagdalena.com/practice/

Thank you!//
