Have you ever felt like you were being held hostage by your teachers or parents and you just wanted to be able to tell them ‘No’? 


Having the courage to say ‘No’ can be hard mostly because we can be limited by our own fear of resolving conflict in a negative fashion. There are times as an owner of a child care center, where you can’t compromise. Knowing you have the ability to say no, and should do it, can be a freeing experience. 


The goal is to encourage you to feel the power in saying no and not allowing teachers OR parents to walk all over you. Child Care owners are faced with some very hard choices almost daily. It might be something minor like a teacher asking for a day off, to something more major like not allowing a sick child to return until they are well.


Let this week’s episode empower you to say ‘No’ in those situations that often make you feel like you are being held hostage by your staff or parents.