Monday of the 23rd Week in Ordinary Time
Saint of the Day: St. Eleutherius; 6th Century abbot of St. Mark’s near Spoleto, and favored by God with the gift of miracles; reputed to have raised a dead man to life; died in St. Andrew’s monastery in Rome 585 A.D.
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 9/6/21
Gospel: Luke 6:6-11

Monday of the 23rd Week in Ordinary Time
Saint of the Day: St. Eleutherius; 6th Century abbot of St. Mark’s near Spoleto, and favored by God with the gift of miracles; reputed to have raised a dead man to life; died in St. Andrew’s monastery in Rome 585 A.D.
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 9/6/21
Gospel: Luke 6:6-11