Friday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of St. Gregory the Great, 540-604; elected pope at the age of 50; removed unworthy priests from office, forbade taking money for many services, ransomed prisoners of the Lombards, and cared for persecuted Jews and victims of plague and famine; known for his reformof the liturgy, and for strengthening respect for doctrine; one of the four key doctors of the Western Church, along with Saints Augustine, Ambrose, and Jerome
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 9/3/21
Gospel: Luke 5:33-39

Friday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of St. Gregory the Great, 540-604; elected pope at the age of 50; removed unworthy priests from office, forbade taking money for many services, ransomed prisoners of the Lombards, and cared for persecuted Jews and victims of plague and famine; known for his reformof the liturgy, and for strengthening respect for doctrine; one of the four key doctors of the Western Church, along with Saints Augustine, Ambrose, and Jerome
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 9/3/21
Gospel: Luke 5:33-39