Previous Episode: Daybreak for July 26, 2021

Tuesday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time
Saints of the Day: Saints Natalie and Aurelius; Aurelius was raised a Christian in secret, during Moorish persecution; he married a half-Moorish woman who took the name Natalie on her conversion; both were beheaded for practicing their religion openly, in 852 A.D.
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 7/27/21
Gospel: Matthew 13:36-43

Tuesday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time
Saints of the Day: Saints Natalie and Aurelius; Aurelius was raised a Christian in secret, during Moorish persecution; he married a half-Moorish woman who took the name Natalie on her conversion; both were beheaded for practicing their religion openly, in 852 A.D.
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 7/27/21
Gospel: Matthew 13:36-43