Saturday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time
Optional Memorial of Pope St. Sixtus II, and companions; Sixtus restored rlations with the African and Eastern churches; Sixtus and six deacons were martyred under the persection of Valerian in 258; his seventh deacon, Lawrence, was martyred four days later
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 8/7/21
Gospel: Matthew 17:14-20

Saturday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time
Optional Memorial of Pope St. Sixtus II, and companions; Sixtus restored rlations with the African and Eastern churches; Sixtus and six deacons were martyred under the persection of Valerian in 258; his seventh deacon, Lawrence, was martyred four days later
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 8/7/21
Gospel: Matthew 17:14-20