Tuesday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time
Saint of the Day: St. Lydia Purpuraria, First Century; born at Thyatira in Asia Minor, a town famous for its dye works; Lydia was a seller of purple goods; she was Paul’s first convert at Philippi, baptized with her household; Paul stayed at her home
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 8/3/21
Gospel: Matthew 14:22-36

Tuesday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time
Saint of the Day: St. Lydia Purpuraria, First Century; born at Thyatira in Asia Minor, a town famous for its dye works; Lydia was a seller of purple goods; she was Paul’s first convert at Philippi, baptized with her household; Paul stayed at her home
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 8/3/21
Gospel: Matthew 14:22-36