Dylan Ayaloo initially found yoga in his quest for balance from the daily grind of a fast-paced corporate career.  He realized that yoga not only helped to heal his body of old injuries sustained from training towards the 2000 Olympic games, but also centered his mind and spirit. Years and years later, Daybreak Podcast host and recuperating politician Jackie Fielder found Dylan while scrolling on TikTok one pandemic night on her quest for dog videos, mukbangs, and self-improvement tips. After seeing his motivational speeches on love and fulfillment, she realized she had to take Dylan's 10-day meditation challenge (whether she finished the full 10 days is a different story) and participate in one of his AWAKEN workshops.  The rest, is history.

Register for Dylan's Live Virtual AWAKEN Masterclass March 26th - 28th, 2021

Follow Dylan on TikTok @dylan.ayaloo and Instagram @dylanayaloo