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"Eviction moratoriA" is actually the plural for "eviction moratorium." It's Leviooosa not LevioSA. In this episode, we learn a lot of words from Eviction Defense Collaborative  (the tenants Ocean's Eleven)  staff attorneys Katie Sass (@katiesassy) and Jacque Patton (@jacquepatton) whose goodwordusage you definitely want on your side when facing the big bad grumpy eviction machine. Bring  a pen and paper and a sandwich to this episode because we got lots to chew on between law schools and their corporate career pathways, redlining, California's weak eviction moratoriA, San Francisco's universal right to counsel, the wayward incentives and money drain of some (not all) non-profit "supportive" housing organizations, what an eviction even is (lots of paper work), and The Affordable Housing Crisis.™

Thanks to Jacque and Katie for taking your *free time* to prepare for and record this episode about your *job.*


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Eviction Defense Collaborative 

Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco 

San Francisco Tenants Union 

Coalition on Homelessness 

Tenants Together 

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