Day in Washington- The Disability Policy Podcast explores and discusses various aspects of disability policy. Each episode will cover a specific issue within disability, and/or a disability-related news article. These 5-10 minute podcasts offer an easy to understand introduction to disability policy and resources for those interested in further study. You can find the text of each podcast in the comments.  If you have difficulty downloading the podcast, please right-click and save it to your computer for playback.

Episode Summary:

On January 29th, the House Education and Labor Committee held a hearing on the ADA Restoration Act. Unfortunately, I was home sick with the flu so was unable to attend in person. However, this podcast still contains clips of the oral testimony from witnesses in their own words courtesy of the Ed and Labor Committee's webcast records.

Audio File:  Day in Washington Podcast #19 - (January House Hearing on the ADA Restoration Act)

Show Notes

- Introduction, Date of Podcast

- Testimony of Majority Leader Steny Hoyer

- Testimony of Andrew Imparato

- Story of Charles Littleton, Jr.

- Testimony of Carey McClure

- Testimony of Dr. Robert Burgdorf

- Testimony of David Fram

- Closing and Contact information

- Disclaimer


House Committee on Education and Labor Hearing on the ADA Restoration Act (January 29, 2008)

Day in Washington Podcast #14(b) - Senate ADA Restoration Hearing (November 15, 2007)

Day in Washington Podcast #11 - ADA Restoration House Hearing (October 4, 2007)
Day in Washington Podcast #5 - ADA Restoration - An Analysis
American Association of People with Disabilities ADA Restoration Blog

Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities ADA Restoration Page - Includes Written Testimony of Additional Supporters