Hey Day in the Life listeners! We're taking the month of June 2018 off from releasing new episodes but we wanted to share a few fan favorite episodes in case you missed them the first time around. Enjoy!




On today's show, I have Daron Roberts who is a Former NFL Coach and now the Founding Director of the Center for Sports Leadership and Innovation at University of Texas.


Guys, this episode is jam PACKED full of quotes, I nearly had 2 pages! Daron is one of the most inspirational people I've ever met and I know you'll feel motivated and encouraged to pursue your dreams after listening to this episode.


If you aren't familiar with Daron, you are in for a real treat because Daron's story is one you won't want to miss. Daron went from being a Harvard Law School graduate, to NFL football coach, to now a founding director at the University of Texas.


We discuss how he made these career changes and advice he'd give to anyone else seeking a career change, perfectionism and why it shouldn't hold you back, why it's important to set boundaries and the questions he asks himself before he says yes, what it was really like to be an NFL football coach, what he wishes people knew about being an NFL coach and so much more.


Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!


In today's episode, you'll find out:


How Daron went from being a Harvard Law School graduate to working as an NFL coach. The routines from his NFL days that have carried over into his career now. The pressures and stressful parts of being an NFL coach. One moment that he's most proud of from his NFL career. Advice he'd give to someone who wants to completely change career paths like he did. One thing he wished people knew about what it's like to be an NFL coach. Misconceptions people have about NFL coaches. How to set boundaries in your life and the questions you should ask yourself before saying yes. Why he thinks perfectionism holds most people back.


Full show notes at: http://brittneyllynn.com/024

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