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Hey Day in the Life listeners! We're taking the month of June 2018 off from releasing new episodes but we wanted to share a few fan favorite episodes in case you missed them the first time around. Enjoy!




Tonya and I started working together earlier in 2017 and we immediately hit it off. I love the inkWELL Press mission and core values and I just ordered my first liveWELL planner that I’m so excited to implement for 2018.

I admire Tonya not only as a business owner but as a person and parent as well and I know you guys will get a lot of value from her episode.

Can’t wait to hear what you think and don’t forget to leave a review on iTunes!


In today’s episode, you'll find out:


Why Tonya doesn't check email first thing in the morning or in bed at night. The time of day Tonya is most productive. Why spending time with her kids in the morning is important to her. How to give yourself more whitespace in your life. How she structures her to do list and make it achievable. Her thoughts on work life balance and why it doesn't exist. The struggles she has being a parent and being a business owner. What she's felt guilty about while being a parent. How she co-works with her children. Her tips on using a planner to avoid feeling overwhelmed. How to consolidate multiple digital calendars for work, school, and personal.

Full show notes at:


Links mentioned:


Website inkWELL Press planners Productivity Paradox podcast Episode 18, Cushioning Your Time: Build Buffers Into Your Life Productivity Course Facebook Twitter Instagram


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