Today’s dose of “Vitamin D” is dedicated to being brave. Being brave is not only an adjective, being brave is also a state of being. Being brave is being amazing. It’s speaking-up for yourself. It’s about showing up, showing out and taking chances. Being brave is living your life at your greatest potential.

Stop holding your tongue to the things that matter most in your life or anything for that matter. Whether it be a relationship, a job or being honest with the wrongs you have done to yourself and/or others. Be brave, show up and face them. I had to be brave as my mother lay in the hospital bed suffering from Stage 4 breast cancer. She cried out for her mother and I sat there feeling helpless. I could have ran out the room, but I sat by her and held her because I had no other choice but to be brave.

What are you running from? If it’s yourself, you wont go far. No matter how far and how fast you run, the moment you stop to look in the mirror the same person staring back at you is YOU. Tell fear, “you ain’t got nothing on me!”

Like Sara Bareilles stated in her hit single, “Brave,” I want you to “show me how big your brave is…I want to see you be brave!”