In episode 054, Matt and Scad cry on each other’s shoulders as Jon and Sam are separated once again at the wall, Brienne gets a lead on her seemingly hopeless search for Sansa, Tyrion meets his new travelling party, and Davos washes ashore on the Sisters, en route to White Harbor.

Follow along with our reading schedule at or through  Game of Owns created this reading order and it lets us tackle A Feast For Crows and A Dance With Dragons in something closer to chronological order.  We love it.

This podcast avoids spoilers for those reading along at our pace.  But we aren’t choir boys.  We want to talk spoilers too, so we have a special section at the end of the episode called Davos After Dark.  Stick around if you are into that sort of thing.  I just realized choir boys prolly like spoilers too.

If you want to contact us, we can be found on twitter @davosfingers, through our tumblr at, on facebook, or through the email at [email protected]