Our Feast Dance begins with a grim set of chapters that elicit very little celebration...no Feasting, no Dancing.  We go from North of the Wall, to the Iron Islands, then sweep down into Oldtown and Dorne, covering all but the furthest reaches of Westeros.  Full of new characters and new paths to tread, Matt and Scad guide you through Episode 51 as we kick off the epic Feast Dance re-read.    

We are following along with the amazing afeastwithdragons.com order of chapters. Everything is not perfectly in order, so check out the list as we read along to get the full benefit.

At the end of the podcast, we will get spoilery y'all.  So ye be warned. However, we will warn you when its coming, for those that are trying to read along at our pace and want to avoid looking ahead.

We love to hear from those that worship at the altar of George, so drop us a line.  We can be found on twitter @davosfingers, through our tumblr atdavosfingers.com, on facebook, or shoot us some raven mail at [email protected]

Covered in this Episode:  AFFC Prologue, ADWD Prologue, ADWD Jon 1, AFFC The Prophet, and AFFC The Captain of Guards.