Brooke, Matt, and Scad bring you Episode 007 of the Davos' Fingers Podcast:  Don't Mess with Catelyn Stark.  Join us as delve into the highs and lows of Eddard's life as hand and Tyrion's escapades on the high road, the eastern road.  Also, Arya tries her hand at dungeoneering (I'd like to roll a 'move silent' check please!)  We are a spoiler free cast for those reading along at our pace, but MAY contain show spoilers if you don't also read the books.  Please contact us at [email protected], @davosfingers on twitter, find and like us on facebook, or find us at good ol'  Enjoy responsibly!

Chapters covered: Eddard 7, Tyrion 4, Arya 3, Eddard 8, Catelyn 6 OR chapters 30-34 according to the Wiki of Ice and Fire